Articles on: Resmark

How can I customize my confirmation emails?

Using the Checkout and Confirmation Settings in Resmark, you can customize the introductory text that will be displayed in all confirmation emails. You can also manage how confirmation emails can be printed by your customers.

Customize confirmation emails by going to Settings > Checkout and Confirmation.

By default, Resmark will provide you with:

Hi $customer_first_name, Thank you for your order! Please verify your confirmation for accuracy and additional details.

To better personalize your messages, we recommend keeping the $customer_first_name field, as it will automatically apply the first name of the person who placed the order. You can customize the wording in this section however you see fit. 

Note: Any changes made here will only customize the introduction to your confirmation emails, the rest of the content in your confirmation email will be applied at a product level using your product marketing settings.

Here is what the introduction looks like in a confirmation email:

Updated on: 03/29/2024

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