Articles on: Resmark

How can I update my product summary in Resmark?

Let people know when your product is available, how long it goes for, and who can attend by adding it to the Product Summary in the Marketing section of your product page.

Using the Product Summary section of Resmark you can clearly define the accessibility of your product with simple wording for your customers to understand. Be it the time of year the product is offered, product duration, and age restrictions.

Months of Operation

Select the applicable dates of operation for this product. Either "Year Round" or "Specific Date Range." If selecting "Specific Date Range" select all applicable months.


Enter the most common start time(s). These times will be displayed on your product details listing and do not influence actual start times.


9:00 AM
9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM
Between 4:00 and 6:00 PM
Hourly 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Morning and afternoon
Varies based on sunset


Enter the approximate duration of this product in minutes, hours or days. If the duration varies, you may add a range.


30 minutes
Approximately 6 hours
6 hours approx.
6 to 8 hours
4 days

Age Restrictions

Enter a description for minimum age requirements. 


Minimum Age: 6
Min age varies based on water levels
Must be at least 48 inches tall
No age restriction

Updated on: 03/20/2024

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