Articles on: WaiverSign

How to create a WaiverSign signing link

After you have published your first waiver, simply navigate to "Get Signing Link" in WaiverSign to create a URL to your document(s).

Once you have published your first document, you can create a link to your document(s). To do that, navigate to "Get Signing Link" while logged into your WaiverSign account. Simply select your preferences and the link below will automatically update with the settings you chose.

If you'd like to shorten or customize your generated link/URL, we recommend using services such as tinyurlbitly, or owly.

From "Get Signing Link" you'll find the following options:

Select Documents:
A list of all your published documents will show up in this section. Select the checkbox alongside the document name for all documents that you'd like to assign to your link. All selected documents will be mandatory when visiting the generated link, if you don't want multiple documents to be mandatory then you'll want to create multiple links.

If selecting multiple documents, all selected documents will be mandatory when visiting the generated link. If you don't want multiple documents to be mandatory then you'll want to create multiple links.

Select Mode:

Kiosk Mode - Use this mode when setting up an Android, iOS, or other browser-based Kiosk. This mode will automatically reset after approx 60 seconds if the participant goes idle while entering their personal information. After signing the document the waiver will automatically go back to the first step for your next participant.
Standard Mode - Use this mode if you're sending your link out via email, SMS, adding it to your website, or any other situation that someone would be signing from their personal phone or computer.

Event Settings:
If you have not yet created an event, this setting will not appear. If you have created an event you will see the Event Settings dropdown menu.

Allow user to select from any event when signing - if there is no date associated with the event, or the event is in the future you can allow the signing participant to choose an event from a dropdown menu when signing your document.
Associate document(s) with a specific event - If you're managing a specific event and want to create a dedicated link for that event and waiver, use this setting to create a URL specifically for this event and relevant document(s).
Do not associate document(s) with a specific event - If you do not want to use the events feature, simply select this option.

Select Event:
All events with a future date or no associated date will be available in this dropdown. This dropdown will only appear if you choose to associate a document with a specific event.

Event Date Settings:
If the selected event has dates associated with it, then this dropdown will be available.

Allow user to select any future date - If multiple dates are available for your event, a dropdown menu will be available for your participant to choose which date they're participating.
Associate a specific date with link - If you want your generated URL to have a specific date associated with it, choose this option.

Select Event Date:
If you choose to associate a specific date with your link and multiple dates are available, this dropdown will show up. Simply choose the date you want to associate with the link and you're all set.

Event Date Assignment: If your event settings have one or more dates assigned to them, once the assigned date(s) have passed, the existing WaiverSign URL will automatically redirect to your standard waiver. This waiver will include a dropdown list of all available future events for you to choose from.
Assigning a Document to an Existing Event: You can now also assign a signed document to an existing event by selecting the "Edit Event" option within the Signed Documents section.

That's it!
Once you're happy with all of your settings, simply copy the link and begin signing!

Updated on: 03/19/2024

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